1.6 Employment

As illustrated in the table below, more than half of the furry fandom works either part time or full time, while nearly half reports attending post-secondary school at least part-time. Approximately one third of furries are not currently employed (due, in part, to a lack of searching, disability, or factors such as being a homemaker, travelling, or taking a leave of absence). Approximately one in five furries are unemployed and in the process of looking for a job.1

Employment Status of Furries

Category (Choose all that apply)

% of Furries

Full-time Education34.8
Part-time Education11.2
Unemployed, Looking22.8
Unemployed, Not Looking6.9
Other (e.g., Homemaker)9.1

Furries were also asked to indicate their satisfaction with their current employment status. As you can see from the figure below, while there is tremendous variability on furries’ job satisfaction, furries do, on average, seem to enjoy their current employment.2

Job satisfaction of furries


  1. Furry Fiesta 2013 Study
  2. Furry Fiesta 2013 Study

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