
Conventions are a huge part of the furry fandom, and our goal here to provide useful descriptions to various furry conventions that really illustrate and showcase the fandom.

For 2019, the following Cons will have a Furscience presence:

FurnalEquinox, #FE2019, Toronto, ON, Canada

Texas Furry Fiesta, #TFF2019, Dallas, Texas, USA

Fur-Eh, #FurEh2019, Edmonton, ON, Canada

Anthrocon, #AC2019, Pittsburg, PA, USA

CanFURence, #CanFUR2019, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Eurofurence, #EF25, Berlin, Germany

If you wish to have IARP/Furscience representation at your convention, please contact Dr. Sharon Roberts.

To see more about the kinds of thing we do at Cons, watch this