5.3 Meeting Significant Other

Given the importance of the furry fandom as a source of social interaction for many furries, we have studied whether furries who were currently in relationships met their partners in the fandom, brought non-furry partners into the furry fandom, or were brought into the fandom as a result of their partner. The data below clearly illustrate that most furries in relationships met their significant other through the fandom.1

Self and partner as furry

As the figure below makes clear, however, these trends differ dramatically, depending on participants’ sexual orientation.2 Homosexual furries are far more likely to find a relationship partner in the fandom, whereas the reverse is true for heterosexual furries, were actually more likely to find their partner outside of the fandom. This is consistent with the finding that men are more prevalent in the furry fandom than women,3 making it easier for homosexual furries to find same-sex partners in the furry fandom, especially given that the furry fandom has a much higher prevalence rate of homosexuality than in the general population.4


  1. 2013 Fursona Survey
  2. 2013 Fursona Survey
  3. See section 1.3 Sex and Gender
  4. See 5.1 Orientation

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